Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'mPerfectly I'mPatient

In my post Enduring the Storm I shared how God is shaping me.  Here's what I'm learning about God and more importantly about me.

Patience is a virtue. So, God is shaping my ability to become more patient. There are three major things that I desire to happen in my life.  It's hasn't happened yet and doesn't seem anywhere close to happening.  So, what do I do?  I get impatient.  I get anxious.  I get stressed out...even more.  I look for shortcuts, workarounds or any opportunity to speed the process up.  Well, it ain't working!

So in the midst of this storm, I'm learning patience.  When I'm impatient, I'm acting and deciding on impulse.  Impatience is an opportunity to ignore God. Yes, impatient spirits don't have time to pray and fast because they want Jesus to stop what He's doing and fix it.  This behavior only indulges Satan to manifest himself when we need to communicate with God the most. 

This storming has been brewing for a while now.  A component of your faith is patience.  You can't have faith in God and spend every waking hour trying to figure how you are going to make the impossible happen. (Note, not the I'mPossible,  You should know the difference by now.) God started molding me when I separated from my ex-husband.  I had to learn to be patient through a lot.  At that moment in my life I never thought it would be that dark and stormy again so soon.  

Remember: His timing, not mine.

What's different this time around?  This storm is all about me and nobody else.  It's much harder when you are dealing with only yourself.  These are moments when you can really see who you really are and understand who God wants you to be.  He wants me to be patient. He wants me to be a Virtuous Woman. For once in my life, I do too!

So, I'm praying this prayer: Father God, give me Patience as you reveal your plan for my life to me.  Help me to follow in the footsteps of where you are leading me to go.  In Jesus name, amen. 

Although the storm is still raging, I keep going because of my faith.  It will pass. Until it does, I'mPerfectly I'mPatient. 

#I'mPerfectlyI'mPatient  #PatienceIsAVirture #AVirtuousWomanInTheMaking

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