Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Introversion of an Extrovert

Lately I've been feeling...disconnected.  Disconnected from just about everyone and everything.  Through therapy I've learned to set boundaries with family, friends, work and even myself.  Boundaries are good for me but difficult for others to understand.  Let's stay I've stepped out for a minute.  I just didn't let folks know I left the room.

I just don't know if I want to come back.....

As an extrovert, I'm finding it increasingly harder to socialize and engage with others.  I spend most of my work day engaging with employees, customers, vendors, co-workers via in person, email or phone. I'm a one-woman team in a large office with another co-worker in an adjacent office.  We're separated by walls and glass.  I struggle through my work days with an iPod and mini Bose blaring at my desk to keep me sane!

I'm starting to enjoy it.

I used to be active in my sorority.  I was leading committees, attending meetings and helped plan functions. I had an outlet for some skills and creativity I couldn't effectively use elsewhere.  I learned to appreciate the power of women like me. 

Once my world started crumbling, I walked away from it.  I haven't looked back.

I come from a large extended family.  Family reunions are scheduled all summer long.  Family traditions fill most holidays.  Like most families in America, mine is dysfunctional at best.  

I can no longer deal with the drama.

I'm a social media junkie...Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest...etc.  I love connecting and reconnecting with people.  It's like a drug...!  How many hits! Keeping track of family and friends is easier than ever.  I don't have to call or text, just scroll with my finger. 

I'm waning.  I don't talk on the phone much.  I may miss text messages.  I wish I had unlimited data...not minutes.  I live in the heart of the city near the parks, clubs, restaurants, transportation hub even a fire station,  but my home is so peaceful and quiet. 

I'm seeking out new experiences alone.  I easily walk away when I've had enough.  I respect my own boundaries.  I feel energized when I have my downtime. Don't take it personal.  It's not personally, yours.  It's my journey.  

My metamorphosis is underway. I decided to take a left turn.

#MyMetamorphosis  #PersonallyMine  #LeftTurn

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