Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Perfectly Imperfect

I'm no longer a sponge.  Yes, a sponge.  I've been doing some spiritual purging and it occurred to that I've soaked up a lot of what others have poured into my spirit and mind.  I've been taking in one spoon at a time.  Now, I'm full and spiritually sick. 

While soaking in what others were pouring into me, I've become diluted.  I became whatever someone needed me to be whenever they needed often getting nothing in return. Was I afraid of losing love or acceptance?  For me there was a desire to be perfect in every way. 

Why wasn't (isn't) just being Sheby enough?

Imperfections only define characteristics that are uniquely you. Imperfections only appear negative when compared to all things perfect.  Who are you comparing yourself to? Filter the content.  Compare yourself to who YOU used to be and where YOU want to be. The true benchmark is the growth and maturity of only YOU and no one else.

Squeeze the sponge...

Squeezing the sponge is a daunting requirement to return to the essence of you. Squeezing the sponge means refusing to accept certain people, thinking and behavior in your life that focus on your imperfections. Be careful who you allow to pour into your sponge. Anyone who pours into my life should love my imperfections and embrace all of me.  The relationship must be transparent free of pride, ego and shame. You have nothing to prove. You are enough.

God does not expect perfection.  He perfectly created me to be imperfect. Stop trying to undo or dilute God's perfect creation.  Every day God is perfectly shaping and molding you to be perfectly imperfect.  Live in great joy of His creation--YOU!

#YouAreEnough #ReturnToTheEssenceOfYou #GodPerfectlyCreatedYouToBeImperfect

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