Monday, October 27, 2014

Power Outage

Sometimes during storms we lose power.  Losing power can cause to move to a temporary place.  We may not be able to conveniently nourish or cleanse ourselves.  It can create an uncomfortable environment.  

While riding this storm, I lost power. The storm became too much and the power went out.   The power to think rationally. The power to move beyond my feelings of despair.  The power to cleanse my soul of unwanted emotions and thoughts.  The power to resist. The power to say no or simply say yes.  

I felt powerless.

When we feel powerless, we are not using our faith. We are believing in only what we see...a storm. We only see the clouds, rain and feel the wind pushing against us. We don't see the rainbows, clear blue skies and feel the sun kissing our face.  

Well, my power is back on.

I'm no longer allowing myself to get sucked back to where God is moving me from.  The purpose of the storm is to move you, make you stronger.  It's not about how long the storm lasts.  It's more about how you weather the storm. It's about learning to hold on while everything continues to fall apart. 
I am a very powerful individual.  I have the power to think and feel.  I also have the power to prevent myself from living and enjoying my life. I have the power to make choices, good ones and bad ones. 

So everyday I wear the coat of hope, carry the umbrella of prayer and walk in boots of faith to face my storm.  

#IsYourPowerOn  #WhatAreYouWearingInYourStorm #SunnyDaysAhead

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