God delivered me from emotional bankruptcy and made some major deposits in my life. Now, I currently maintain an emotional savings account.
In this account I safeguard my love, happiness, faith, hopes and dreams. There is very limited (if any) access. No unnecessary withdrawals. No transfer of funds.
I learned that people will continue to emotionally drain you when you have nothing left. Thus, leaving you in overdraft. I consider them to be emotional hackers. They manage to work their way into your life. They make you feel good for a little while. Then they ask for small withdrawals. The cycle continues. They keep taking all you have to give and give nothing in return. They are generally co-dependent or high maintenance personalities. They can only thrive on your emotional healthiness. They have no emotional credit worthiness!
Well, my ATM (Augmenting Their Mental state of Mind) is temporarily closed. Yes. Closed. The spiritual detox showed me that the devil will wear you down until nothing is left. His goal is to weaken your mental and emotional state to where you feel hopeless and inferior. The work of the enemy is more powerful than you think. Dealing with your own demons is nothing compared to dealing with someone else's. (Let God handle the deliverance.)
I remember having to emotionally pour into my child when I was emotionally spent. I wanted him to feel safe and secure. I wanted him to feel like things were going to get better. How do you do that when you can't quite get there yourself? It's like lying to your soul. But God stepped in and made some deposits. If it had not been for God, I'd still be emotionally bankrupt.
Anyone who really knows me, know that I'll do whatever I can for you, if you are willing to help yourself first. But like anything else in life you have to manage it. If it gets out of hand, depression moves in from the overdraft account.
I don't mean to sound selfish, but we destroy ourselves trying to save everybody else. Our lives become wrought with resentment, guilty and anger. That's a triple threat that can lead to emotional loss and can destroy relationships. I remember feeling this way, quite often. It's not good for the mind or spirit. You're making deposits in the wrong accounts.
So, I decided to step back from some family and friends and emotionally check out for a bit. It's for my own good and probably their's in the long run. I need some time to build up my reserve. I never know when I need to make a withdrawal for myself let alone anyone else. I've done a lot of emotional and mental work to get where I am now. I'm a very different being than I was a year ago. I'm not willing to sacrifice all of that for mindless withdrawals. I want to spend my emotions on people and relationships that will help me grow spiritually.
I've stop letting people who do so little for me control so much of my mind, feelings and emotions.
Who's making deposits in your emotional savings account? Who's making withdrawals from your ATM? Start investing in you!
#emotionalsavingsaccount #nomorewithdrawals #I'mPossibleInvestments