Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Spiritual Detox: Confession of a Soul Tie

During my darkest moments while transitioning to the end of my marriage, I had a spiritual detox—a full confession of everything that ailed me spiritually.  I furiously wrote in my journal EVERYTHING that I needed God to remove from my heart, my mind and soul.  I mean EVERYTHING.  I wrote down generational curses, past hurts, secrets and anything I could think of that I thought caused the breakdown in my marriage.  I prayed that if I came clean of all of my emotional and spiritual ailments, that it would save my marriage.  I was completely wrong—IT SAVED ME!  God was really up to something greater.

While detoxing, I confessed a soul tie that I had carried from a previous relationship.  Pause: this soul tie was not reason that my marriage ended. Soul ties are formed when souls are knit together; the bible references as becoming one flesh.  The knitting can be emotional, sexual or created by a vow.  Soul ties can be very unhealthy if created in an ungodly manner.  1 Corinthians 6:16 says “Or do you know that he who is joining to a prostitute becomes one body with her?  For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.”  This illustration does not refer to prostitution—it’s a biblical reference to fornication.  So, let’s not get comfortable with this doesn’t apply to you.  Soul ties can be beautiful when you are tied to the one person that God has ordained you to be with.  Ephesians 5:31 says “Therefore a man shall leave this father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”  I refer to Scriptures to validate becoming “one flesh.” (Read the Word for your own understanding. You may hear from God about your own detox.)

Soul ties fill a void in your heart and soul.  As I managed my depression on a daily basis so did I manage my soul tie.  I didn’t talk about it.  I didn’t write about.  I didn’t wear it on my sleeve. Please understand that my soul tie was an emotional one.  I still loved this person.  It was when things went wrong in my marriage, I would think about what my life would be like if I was with him.  I’m human.  Anger, frustration, depression will make your mind think about a lot of ungodly thoughts.  It was the desire to know what my life would be like if we were still together or how I yearned for the same type of love we had together.  The devil can make your brokenness so convenient.

I never reached out to my soul tie during my marriage. There was one phone call from him but nothing that was more than how are you and how’s the family. Click!  In my mind that would have been cheating or very close to it! Seemingly harmless?  Yes, but it cracks the doors to a lot of other spirits to invade your relationship/marriage and relationship with Jesus.  I decided to shut the windows and doors and seal every crack.  It started with me—I repented.

Repenting is very hard to do.  It requires you to become naked about what is spiritually, emotionally and physically destroying you.  There I stood spiritually naked before God pouring out my soul.  I asked him to cut every soul tie, break every curse and destroy every ungodly bond.  Detoxing!  I rid my soul of anything that I felt was getting in the way of my marriage and relationship with God. It was exhausting yet liberating.

My confession is why I haven’t rushed into another relationship.  I shared my life with someone for about 14 years and had a child from the union. There is still a connection.  I’m working through another spiritual and emotional detox.  (Reread my post Traveling Without Baggage again for a refresher.)

What is your soul tied to?  Untie the one thing that is keeping you from being I’mPossible.  You owe it to yourself and God.

#spiritualdetox #confessionofasoultie #I’mPerfectlyhonestandI’mokay

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