Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Little Things

I've had a hellacious week! I don't have the energy or desire to take you through it all. (No rearview mirrors, remember?) This blog blurb is to remind you how important words can make a world of difference in someone's thinking. 

Here are some little things that made me feel like Ms. Big Thing today.

An employee told me I was a blessing. More importantly it was the spirit in which he shared it.  He had a simple request and was very respectful of my time and always apologizes if he feels like he's intruding.  He gets so excited about the little things in life and he makes me realize how complicated I can make my life. I love  to hear him talk about his children. He such a proud father and always asks about my boys.  He just loves how God has blessed him and so should I.

Later in the morning I discovered my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.  A friend had asked me about my results last week and I couldn't locate them. I called to tell her that I'm an ESFJ, Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. (You'll get a chance to see all of these personality types along this journey.)  Just our brief conversation about my type, got me all excited about what I had forgotten about myself the last couple of years.  It's a shame I had to see it on paper. (I see I'mPossibilities for myself in this area.) She emphatically said that I was special.  I quickly told her that it was good to hear something positive again today!

Fast foward to a late lunch, I debated on whether to go home or run a couple of errands.  I chose the errands because they were critical- get gas, pick up paperwork from the eye doctor and get food! As I waited for my food, one of the male workers told me he really liked my haircut. I graciously thanked him because I don't receive (what I think are genuine) compliments from males often about my hair.  It sounds weird, I know.  Draw your own conclusions if you wish, but he really made me feel good about my outward appearance! I've struggled with my weight gain and cutting my much longer hair was an Angela Bassett move from Waiting to Exhale. Don't judge me! 

I've had a tough go of a week and three people made me feel like I was on top of the world.  It may not have seem like much to you, but it made a seemingly crazy week get much better in a matter of hours for me.  It doesn't take much.  It really doesn't.

We are bombarded with negativity every day on our jobs, in our churches (yes, the church), homes (and yes, again our family can be the worst) and wherever else we come in contact with people and some form of media. It's good know that human beings are still human. Sometimes we overlook the little things, the random acts of kindness.  

If you genuinely think someones haircut, shoes or handbag is fierce, then tell them!  If you would like to treat someone to a ice cold drink on a blazing hot summer day, do it.  Hug a friend or family member.  Sometimes the warmth of your heart will bring life back to theirs.  You may restore hope in mankind to someone who is on the verge of giving up all hope.  

Being human is I'mPossible.

#thelittlethings  #beinghuman

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